Left Justified Studio & Prolific Games had its best GAMA Expo ever! We met with tons of friends and partners, wrote twice as many orders as last year, and sold…
This was the month for a deep dive into my project management engagement at Chip Theory Games, where I began in earnest to help plan and organize work on their…
That’s it, folks — another year in the bag! Looking forward, I expanded engagements with my two largest consulting clients, so look for further and expanded Chip Theory– and Matt…
Even with a bit of travel for the Alliance Open House, some level of sanity returned to the day-to-day in September, and I managed to catch up on many —…
August was complete insanity. Gen Con, as always, was a key reason, but we also launched both Jewels for the Emperor Penguin and Frozen Shinies: The Emperor Penguin’s Nephew at…
The Flapjacks & Sasquatches Dice Game — both the Standard and Deluxe editions — were officially released. • I went to Las Vegas not once, but twice! Much fun was…
The Lumberjack Games arrived in Minneapolis, fulfillment began, and we started shipping distributor games out into the channel. If you weren’t a backer, look for them wherever you buy games!